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about FORCE OF Nature solutions

We work to improve people’s lives by helping communities prepare and recover from disasters, learn how to navigate the federal rules that dictate recovery reduce risk while simultaneously creating better places for people. ​The company was founded by LC Clemons because she recognized the critical need for partnership building across siloed groups in order to leverage limited resources to achieve more meaningful impacts. We specialize in working with small/rural communities, private non-profits and K-12 school systems to align existing and planned projects with grassroots initiatives to value-engineer their recovery using our trademarked Disaster Recovery Through Placemaking℠ process.​ Our approach to Disaster Recovery Through Placemaking℠ helps entities with extremely limited resources, understand how to build back in a safer way while creating places people love. We serve as a liaison educator for professionals across a wide variety of industries to help project partners understand how to effectively support a recovery that moves beyond the repairs to focusing on sustainable long-term community goals for economic development, infrastructure upgrades and building social cohesion.

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Meet the owner

LC Clemons, Certified Floodplain Manager

Clemons advises FEMA Public Assistance Applicants on best practices for how to rebuild more resiliently after a federally declared disaster and how to more effectively plan how to respond to disasters to leverage the full extent of innovation that can be achieved through the FEMA Public Assistance process.


Her in-depth knowledge of FEMA Public Assistance policy, combined with strategic Placemaking strategies allows her clients to make the most out of their recovery funds to not only rebuild safer but rebuild better places for people that expand economic opportunities and future smart growth.


Clemons' unique ability to move comfortably between the worlds of engineered infrastructure and grassroots initiatives helps her clients see the big picture, with an eye on the granular detail necessary to make their recovery efforts more successful. 

Phone: (202) 880-7799

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Our Expertise

  • FEMA Public Assistance and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs

  • Disaster Recovery Overlay with Planned Capital Projects

  • Land Planning that Aligns with Hazard Risk Reduction

  • Immediate and Long-Term Economic Impacts of Disaster Funds

  • Cost-Efficient Retrofits to Buildings and Facilities

  • Water and Materials Conservation Practices

  • Socio-Cultural Considerations

  • Meaningful Community and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Socially and Fiscally Responsible Resilient Revitalization

City Planning & Design Education

Disaster Recovery Education

  • Continuity of Operations (COOP) 

  • National Incident Management System (NIMS)

  • National Response Framework

  • Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 Long-Term Community Recovery

  • FEMA 361 - Design and Construction for Safe Rooms

  • Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS-100)

  • Fundamentals of Emergency Management

  • Emergency Planning

  • Developing and Managing Volunteers

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